Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Technology Round-up: Low Expectations and Windows 7

This article was discovered in the New York Times and is about the brand new and awaited Microsoft Windows 7. The reason I chose to review this article was the fact that I have always been a PC/Windows user and although not satisfied with Windows Vista I have remained loyal to the Windows operating system primarily because I have never used a MAC or Apple and am not as familiar with how everything would work or be different. Moreover, there was a lot discussed as far as Microsoft’s new highlights in business and there past decade or so of ill-fated progress.

New York Times, Technology > Business > Low Expectations and Windows 7
By: Robert Cyran and Una Galani

This article starts off discussing how the majority of the past decade was not extrodinarily impresive for Microsoft. After their biggest recent hit operating system Windows XP, which was introduced over either years ago. Microsoft has since launched Windows Vista preceding what is to be available soon Windows 7. Expected to satisfy most of the user complaints about Windows Vista, Windows 7 was developed. Although their new operating system seems much much better than Vista only time will tell after their launch. Improved from Vista, Windows 7 is expected to be a faster system and have fewer delays for the user. Interesting fact, out of 1.2 billion PC’s worldwide, one-fifth use Vista and four-fifths use XP. Furthermore, many useres who kept older computers over the past several years to avoid upgrading to Vista like most businesses are approaching an average of six years, being the time it has been since most PC users have upgraded their PC.

More recently as well as developing Windows 7 and dealing with Vista issues, Microsoft has seen it’s newest search engine Bing begin to take off and formed a partnership with Yahoo. Although, these recent highlights with Yahoo and Bing, Windows 7 is expected to be a success. However, Microsofts market share and stocks depend on Windows 7 to have a good launch and be a successful to where the majority of windows users will invest in the upgrade. If it does not go well we could see them plateau a little bit, it surely will not help their business to produce another unwanted operating system but it seems they may be able to take the hit. Then struggling for market share and the next big thing would most likely be their ticket to the top again or possibly their demise.

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