Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Technology Round-up: New Dell Laptop

This week I chose an article invloving Dell laptops, which caught my attention because I have recently done reasearch on many Dell laptops/notebooks and purchased a Dell notebook only about one week ago!

Article: Dell Laptops Tries to Impress Impression Makers

New York Times > Technolgy > Dell Laptops Tries to Impress Impression Makers,
By: Ashley Vance

It is amazing the new technology and features which are developed and presented to buyers by computer companies every week, month and year. This week after reading this article I learned the Dell has taken certain ideologies from concepts such as the iphone and reasearched ways to create their own technology as appealing and desired and the iphone has quickly become. Dell's newest ad most recent creation is called the Latitude Z it is a laptop which is meant for executive always on the go who strive to impress wherever they go. The price for this will start at $1,999 which comes with some new features which have been demanded by executive over time. Some of the features which make this laptop appealing to executives is the thin sleek appearance which could arguably resemble the Mac Book laptop. Other than it's appearance it has also many more wireless quirks to make traveling easy as well as an instant-on software, instantly connecting to the internet as soon as it is opened. It seems out of all the people surveyed about this laptop and technology 70% said to spend most of their time working in instant-on mode.

It as interesting to read this article because after reading I thought that it seemed almost as if Del was trying to compete directly with Mac products. Plus having looked at many laptops and noteboos ecently online at just a few weeks agao was not aware of a few of the capabilities which Dell had to offer in some of it's newest products. In my opinion Dell has done a great job always moving the company forward, it is interesting to see where they get some of their ideas and it seems to me after reading this article that the MAC Books and iphones arent and wont be the only deice of its kind for long.

Software Demonstration

Creating a Microsoft Word 2007 document that has a header and a footer will make it a more personalized and professional looking document. Furthermore, headers and footers can make reading documents much easier as well as finding key information properly organized and displayed. To show a visual process on how to create a header and footer for your document I have created a quick 2 minute video for you to see how quickly it can be done and how great in looks after.

Quick Header/Footer Demonstration Link:

STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS: To help follow along with the demonstration or for general reference and or more detailed expanations.

How to Create a Custom Header/Footer in Microsoft Word 2007
(When using Windows Vista)
Opening Microsoft Word 2007
1. How to open Microsoft Word 2007
a. Click on the start menu button, located to the left of the task bar
2. Before doing anything else type “word” into the search box
a. Scan through the search results and find Microsoft Word 2007
3. Move the mouse pointer over where it says “Microsoft Word 2007” then click on it

Creating Headers
4. In MS Word, move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the screen and then click on the “Insert” tab.
5. Once the Insert tab is open: Click on the icon that says “Header”, an options menu will open.
a. By scrolling down you can select many different styles and types of Headers to make a document look more personalized or professional as well as editing.
6. To select a certain Header, double click on the one you wish to use
7. Furthermore, filling out the proper information. If you wish to change or edit the header later in the process of creating a document.
a. Simply double click on your chosen header and then double click on the main middle body of the document to exit the header

Creating Footers
8. In MS Word, move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the screen and then click on the “Insert” tab.
9. Once the Insert tab is open: Click on the icon that says “Footer”, an options menu will open.
10. Scroll down select type of Footer to make a document look more personalized or professional
11. To select a certain Header, double click on the one you wish to use
a. Furthermore, filling out the proper information. If you wish to change or edit the Footer later in the process of creating a document. Simply double click on your Footer to edit and then double click on the main middle body of the document to exit the header

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Careful Computing Assignment

Careful Computing Blog Assignment


FIRST CCleaner Scan Results - SCREEN SHOT 1

After CCLeaner completed the first “cleaner” scan, there was 98 MB of temp files from IE, windows explorer and the system which were deemed to be cluttering my computer. Also after the first scan these files were removed.

SECOND CCleaner Scan Results - SCREEN SHOT 2

The second scan ran for CCleaner, I ran the “Registry cleaner” to clean the registry and there were 9 issues found after scan completed, which were then fixed directly following the scan. Different from the “cleaner” function, it was interesting to see CClean was able to track and fix these issues rather than the “cleaner scan” tracking useless or temp files to be removed.

FIRST Spybot Scan Results - SCREEN SHOT 1

After the first Search and Destroy scan for spyware, there were 8 problems found. All 8 problems were Tracking Cookies. It was surprising to see the Spybot find 8 immediate spyware threats after running a CCleaner before and removing 98 MB of files.

SECOND Spybot Scan Results - SCREEN SHOT 2

After running a second Search and Destroy scan the next day there were no tracking cookies or spyware found, meaning my computer currently has no immediate spyware threats.

2.) I think spyware can be more dangerous than adware because although adware like pop-ups are annoying, spyware could be spying on your personal information, collecting it possibly to be used against you in the future.
3.) I think if you are not careful about how much and what you are downloading and installing on to your computer you could inflict spyware on your computer or through filling out internet forms and browsing certain sites.
4.) I think some software contains spyware or adware because certain people actually use the process of attaching spyware to software with the intentions of obtaining someone else’s personal information. Also companies could use adware of their way of partnering with another company forcing their commodity on you in a different way or in a package deal. Bottom line I think adware is annoying yet very aggressive web advertising.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tech. Round-up / Web Radio vs. Mobile Web Radio

There is an article I discovered listed below which I found interesting because of the ever rapidly expanding uses or capabilities our cell phones have had in the past and have today.

New York Times > Technology > Listening to Radio on the Web? That’s So Last YearBy Claire Cain Miller

This article proves right from the start that people most recently prefer to use a site or app such as Pandora to listen to music via the web by stating that of the 65,000 new users signing up every day approx. 45,000 sign up via mobile phone. Compare Pandora's current 11 milion mobile application useres versus 35 million useres registered for the traditional web application. I thought these numbers were shocking, awakening me to the fact that mobile devices such as the iPhone or a blackberry are no longer special just because of web, mp3, e-mail, cameras and much more but are capable of fulfilling most all of your desires through a downloadable app. All and all I have used Pandora online before and feel it is a great concept and will continue to use it, as for Pandora online for mobile devices I feel it is very similar to an iPod or mp3 player with radio.

Although, I may have been left behind recently as far music technology is concerned, I believe this is yet another great addition to the compilation of apps and options for our mobile devices. I think people enjoy having the option to listen to all types of music at any given time. This seems to be a concept that Pandora’s app for the web and mobile devices has accomplished. People are no longer constrained to listening to the radio in only their cars or at their homes. Also triggering a breakthrough for the broadcasting stations which have suffered from the mp3 an iTunes era pulling people slowly away from traditional radio.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

IT 101 Blog Intro: Summary About Me

My name is Phil, I have grown up in a small suburban town where I am currently still living at home. I had been working in Restaurants since high school, moving up to manager which is where I remained for about 4 years until I was given an opportunity to become an assistant team manager for an Operations/Originations loan processing department of Sallie Mae. After leaving the restaurant management position for an aspired management position within an office environment as well as better pay and benefits. I began to thrive in the office setting, noticing our team was one of the most productive and efficient in the department. I was really great full to have been a part of it and truly enjoyed working for Sallie Mae. It wasn't long after I had worked there for 2 years until I had over herd the news of a lay-off within the company. My self along with the entire New England branch were eventually laid-off. Once out of work and un-employed and beginning a job search in a troubled job market, I decided to direct my focus towards going back to college. For me, when it came down to which school I wanted to attend, it was an easy choice. I decided to join Bentley University this past summer and am excited to learn new things and earn a degree in business. When I chose the course IT 101, I had hoped it would help understand basic computer terms, shortcuts, HTML, MS Office and miscellaneous useful knowledge for school and business.